Latest Episodes

Abram and Pharaoh
Dan Slagle brings a message on truth-telling from Genesis 12. Lying has been a trap many humans have fallen into – from the very...

Stepping Out in Faith
Founding Pastor Ken Werlein preaches reminds us that God is the eternal initiator, always taking the first step toward us. Are we responding like...

Made Alive in Christ
Beth teaches out of 2 Corinthians 4 and encourages us to remember that we serve a God who cannot leave death alone. Although we...

Hope Changes Everything
Founding Pastor Ken Werlein explores Jesus’ response to suffering and death in the story of Lazarus. Jesus takes part in our sorrows and heartaches....

Descending to Ascend
Bible Teacher Clay Scroggins teaches out of Genesis 11, asking us to consider how often we strive to forge our own paths and identities....

New Creation
Jared Darby teaches us that Noah’s world isn’t so different from our own. Even as Noah and his family were saved from the rising...